Saturday, June 27, 2009


Terry Turner, copyright, 2009

Several years ago, about 1983, I erected a small sign near Piedras Negras.

It read:

"Nothing unimportant ever happens."

That comment was followed by this comment, for I wanted it to be a clear sign:

July 83

A frog croaked once.

Piedras Negras, Mexico

Next time I go back there, if I ever make it back there, I shall put up another sign in confirmation of the first sign.

Our world is slipping away but, midst the hot dogs, the beer, the telly, the cd, the vcr, the i-phone or that phone, the struggle to pay the rent, mortgage or utilities, the orgasms and the lack of orgasms, no one notices that we have become slaves.

It will be July in a few days; the world will begin to shake. Suddenly everything will be more important than ever before.

Of course, some could successfully argue that nothing important ever happens; and some could argue that the worst never happens---certainly that would be my preference.

Perhaps, if I get back to Piedras Negras, I shall put up a sign that says "Less, dear friends, less is more." Think of less las you would think about emptiness. Emptiness is what makes things useful, as we all know; the window is useful by its empty space; the glass could not be filled if it were not empty; less requires less protection; less time, and less investment of capital and energy. Less is great indeed.

Photo Credit. Probably taken by Ron K.
Terry and Gene disagree over vital points circa 1984

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