Saturday, August 15, 2009

Drugs ineffective against Wilbur Ramsey

What can you do with a blog, of any sort, except tell stories, and try to correct some errors and omissions? I am not a blogger in the usual sense, I am just looking for ways to communicate these days since I can't do the huge volume of email that used to characterize my daily communications. I need all that energy, now to fight my cancers.

Fighting cancer takes a lot out of you and it takes a huge amount of physical energy away, energy formerly squandered on politics, fighting giant pharma, big agra and others who seem determined not to understand that they poison not only me, not only you, not only the world, but they poison themselves and their own children.... think not?

If you think they are are not killing their own children, let them try to find some absolutely clean water; let them try to eat an absolutely organic chemical free cabbage; let them try to pick a fresh plum that is not covered by xeno dust, powders, chemicals, who knows what chemical insecticides, fungicides, and other fallout; let them eat plums,l apples, and carrots that must suck up water polluted with every sort of medical, agricultural, and human and feed lot chemical, plums that must breathe air that floats like a sort of universal sea of chemicalized, contaminated air prepared as far away as your next town, pollutants from China, radiation from Russia, and other parts... think that we are not all poisoned? Think, think again.

But, as I was saying, I need all that extra energy now, all the energy I can muster to help me process the daily radiation burns and the monumental detoxification on all levels required to fight the aggressor --- a sort of silence, powerful, evil termite that invaded my defense system, and slowly began to consume me, rather like a voracious Trojan Horse hidden in my lungs and bones, digging holes in my spine, trying to collapse my tower of strength, .... who knows when the attack on my body started, who knows how long I lived side by side with my silent, invisible, killing visitor... I had not a clue. Then, in seven incredible days in July, I was determined to be a miracle case: July 12, we never catch it this early, it is small cell carcinoma, only a small patch in your lower left lung.... we can clean it up quickly), about July 5: your condition is very advanced, very serious and it has spread to the spine you have to start some treatment immediately, we are ordering more tests; then, the fateful July 15 when the oncologist, without benefit of all tests told me quickly in less than ten minutes that I only had a two percent chance to survive, that I would be paralyzed in a matter of days.... the termite was trying to finish off my T4 vertebrae and take control of my spinal canal and prepare to lunch on my spinal cord.

I wanted a second opinion, I wanted something besides the virtual death guaranteed by chemotherapy. You can't travel they said; you are dead walking he said. But shortly, I was out of Texas and in California and getting both radiation and alternative therapy..... and boy did I need the radiation to help head off the cancer at the pass commonly called T4... stop them there or call it a day it seemed.... now I have four more days of radiation to go..... gotta love those cobalt canon firing their deadly invisible beams into my deadly cancer termites.

But I digress, I wanted to talk about Wilbur Ramsey, and with you permission, here is what I wanted to say to an old friend. I am writing the following in particular because I failed to thank Wilbur in a prior email ... it was, I think, an odd oversight on my part. I blame it the pain killer drugs with which I am loaded. Drugs are certainly an essential if very excessively used part of our society but they also pose a serious intervention in the brain which may sometimes go unnoticed

Yesterday I was trying to remember people to thank. I wanted to be sure to make note of some very important contributors in my life even though I know there are too many to fully appreciate or recognize, try though I may. At the moment, about 2:15 AM, I am sweating it out again, drenched, and thinking of a friend, a former newspaper editor and publisher --- from the old days when the newspaper was published for the community, not for the political agenda of some far off power broker. And the world was still more or less what we once considered the world to be, unlike the present formless, plastic situation in which nothing is sure on any level.

I failed to mention him in my prior communique and find it odd that he slipped the foggy pain free zone that used to be my ever alert brain.

Wilbur Ramsey and his wife have been friends for a number of years. Wilbur is a dedicated fellow health research aficionado and has often aided us in helping others based on his keen memory and the thousands of pages of true research material which he has read during the last several years.

He has never failed to voluntarily help me by suggesting product sources, offering editorial suggestions, sending or turning me on to some good manufacturing labs. Wilbur is also a fantastic product designer and on his website you can find some of the best alternative products on the market today. Men, in particular, would find Wilbur's prostate product well worth examining along with things like cancer fighting Graviola, Esiak Tea (Canadian Nurse Essie), and AHCC --- the great Japanese mushroom product... I am not saying these things will cure you, cancer, or anything, I am saying they are good products, and well worth investigation and research. Wilbur is a great source for these types of unique products and for information about such types of products.

You can find Wilbur at

But what I wanted to say is that when Wilbur found out I had cancer, the following morning or so, I had a huge box of cancer fighting Graviola, Esiak Tea, and AHCC (active hexose correlated compound) sitting on my desk compliments of Wilbur... even drugs can't make you forget old friends like Wilbur. I did not see an invoice or questions about payment.

This is not the end of this or any story, it is one of many. Shortly I want to tell you a story, an old one, a little story about a gold coin which our friends, Greg and Catherine Leake, know of.

I have been trying also to think of what to say to and about Marti DeCluitt --- ---a remarkable person, a world class citizen in many ways, and a good friend decade after decade after decade.

Thanks for allowing me to share this memory.


I regret I still can't deal with open phone lines but I do accept messages at 903-285-6661, I am getting mail here in California and I am getting mail at PO Box 596, Mount Vernon, Texas, 75457, our personal PO Box.

I answer what I can as I can.

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