Friday, March 6, 2009

Dandelion Generations

Copyright Terry Turner

Out the window I see a fresh crop of dandelions shaking their fistful of bright yellow swords at the Sky God, but already the first dandelion crop that had advanced to the attack, lived brightly, lived briefly, and then suddenly died. Victims not of winter, not of summer, but victims only of time.

Only A few yesterdays past they sprang forth with all the power of youth but, in ain a few small moments, they grew mature, suddenly aged, and stepped over the edge to again become the raw stuff of the universe. How important they seemed; how important the games seemed; but as they and we draw near to the edge of eternity, how unimportant all seems.

Perhaps we should all have more hot chocolates, give and take more hugs, have more well steeped teas, take longer and more pleasant breakfasts, read more good books, and spend more time in the afternoon sun ---- and pay less and lessattention the fury of social clamor. As old Kahlil Gibran said, "… the movingfinger, having writ, moves on.... "

I shall listen more to the barking crows and less to the recurring and meaningless chatter, cajoling, and threats of presidents, kings, brokers, bankers’ congressmen, and terrorists. God and karma, in good time, will attend totheir just needs. Those time stealing people are always with us; but thecrow is only here today and has only a few words to spare for us ere it isaway to speak with angels and other vapor’d creatures.

Reflecting on the death of my brother, Gene. He fought for our freedom. Gene survived the Nazis but was killed by Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria. H Pylori infects about one in every two mature adults in the United States.

Taos, New Mexico July 21, 2003
For your children, for yourself, your family and friends, be prepared for emergencies

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